I Go To The Rock


Descrição do Produto

  • What does it mean to be rooted?
  • The Shema is one of Israel's oldest prayers that is said today. It identifies the monotehistc faith of Israel “The Lord our God is ONE.” It also outlines that generational teaching that should be passed to from mothers and fathers. To be rooted means that you have a strong foundation in the Word of God and the life of God. The roots are where growth begins and ends. Our theme for 2020 is Rooted. As a ministry if we are going to be all that God is calling us to be must be Rooted in Him and nothing else.
  • The results of being Rooted at the Rock is receiving all the blessings promised to the children of Abraham. This promise includes: eternal life, Zoe Life, LAND, Human flourishing in the city. Human flourishing looks like jobs, housing, healthcare, and shalom in your neighborhood. We can be a people Rooted in our city without being negatively affected by gentrification. We can be Rooted in our community and live a flourishing life being a sign of the Kingdom of God in how we interact with people in our city. The blessings will come sometimes without any efforts of our own ( houses filled with all kinds of good things you did not provide, wells you did not dig, and vineyards and olive groves you did not plant). Let 2020 lead us to a place of rootedness so that when things around us change we will not be shaken or moved. When the winds of life blow we can be rooted knowing that God is always with us and we believe the TRUTH of this Word for us.
  • Vision 2020 Objectives:
  • ● Teaching (Multigenerations) - Rooted
  • ● Trauma Healing/Prayer - Rooted
  • ● Ministry Innovation for Young Adults - Rooted
  • ● CarePortal Care Center/Children’s Hunger Fund - Rooted
  • ● Property Purchase - Rooted

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